Myths About Foods That Cause Acne

Myths About Foods That Cause Acne

Photo courtesy of PopSugar.comThe existing links between what you eat and your quality of skin may surprise you. It is common knowledge that certain nutrients and vitamins help specific parts of the body opperate better, and the skin is a reflection of what goes into our bodies. A nutritious diet that keeps your inside healthy will help keep your outward appearance looking good. On the other hand, a poor diet will show up on your skin.
In this week’s blog, we compiled a list of the top 5 myth foods that are said to cause acne – so rest easy knowing that not everything you hear and read is true when it comes to breakouts!

  1. Chocolate: diets high in sugar or high in fat have shown to cause a significantly higher reaction on the skin than diets consisting of vitamin rich contents. This is not true – studies have shown that eating foods like chocolate, cheeseburgers, and French fries had no effect on the skin at all.
  1. Spicy foods: studies have shown that when patients eat spicy, spice-filled foods, and in particular foods containing red pepper, that there is a larger amount of red inflamed spots on the face. False! Truth be told, the food itself typically doesn’t cause acne, but the side effects of eating spicy foods like hot peppers certainly increase the chances of your face turning red if you aren’t used to eating spicy foods.
  2. Dairy: Dairy triggers a spike in insulin dramatically, leading to inflammation, redness, swelling, clogged pores, andacne. Actually, Milk and dairy are a great source of calcium, protein and Vitamin D, and if you ever notice a breakout after consuming dairy, you may have an allergy.
Photo courtesy of CanyonWholesale Photo courtesy of CanyonWholesale

  1. Caffiene: The claim that caffeine causes acne and breakouts may have more bark than bite. Some experts say it doesn’t directly cause acne, but may aggravate existing conditions. But caffeine has its benefits too. Many caffeine-laden drinks, like coffee and black and green tea, are also loaded with antioxidants that can help defend skin from damage, particularly from the sun.


  1. Salt: Too much salt dehydrates your skin and can cause swelling. It also prevents and slows the healing process of existing pimples. This is false. Most foods contain salt already, but it doesn’t actually cause acne

Top foods that help acne:
Dark berries: packed with numerous antioxidants that assist in healing damaged skin
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Tomatoes: Rich in Vitamin C, which is known to help keep the skin firm, aiding in collagen production, and stimulates skin circulation.
Photo courtesy of Finest Produce Photo courtesy of Finest Produce
Sometimes, eating right and keeping a food journal just doesn’t quite cut it when trying to treat acne. If you are interested in trying a product with proven results that treats acne at its source, visit our website for more information and to shop Clearogen. Did you know: Our products can also be found on!
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